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Springfield Primary School

Be the best you can be.

Home Page

Springfield Primary School

Be the best you can be.

Messages to parents

Applying for your child's Reception place


Parents only have until 15th January to apply. If you have not yet applied please go to



Last two days of the Autumn term

Just some quick reminders about the last two days of the Autumn term:


  • Thursday is our Christmas party (with a visit from someone special).
  • Friday is the last day of term and children finish school at 2pm.

(both days are non-uniform days for all EYFS children)


All reading/library books will be collected in over Thursday and Friday, ready to be sorted for the new Spring term after the holiday.


Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

Christmas jumper day and 'Santa Dash'

Just a reminder that Friday 13th December is Christmas jumper day and 'Santa Dash'.

We are looking forward to another fun-packed event in the run-up to the Christmas holiday!

Christmas craft session

Thank you to all the parents that came along to our Christmas craft session. I hope you all enjoyed completing some Christmas activities with your children. We will be taking some Christmas pictures of each child which will be emailed out to you. 

Home Sharing

A "Home Sharing" block has been added to our class page.


We invite parents to contribute to this by emailing school at (please state your child's class in the subject bar).


Please share your happy home moments with us and our school community.


Parents who prefer not to have images or text uploaded onto the website are still encouraged to share, and these will be only used in the classroom to share with your peers and teachers.


Thank you! 

Christmas card lists

For those who would like them, Christmas card lists are now available to help your child with writing cards to their classmates. This is entirely optional, and there’s no pressure to participate. Please ask a member of staff who will provide a list for you

Nursery library books

Starting on Monday 11th November children will be able to choose a library book to share with you at home. Please make sure the book is returned by the following Monday. (Complete with its plastic folder please) 

Parent's quote board

Dear parents, thank you for taking the time to visit our class page, we hope the information we provide here is helpful to you.

With communication in mind, we have recenty added a quote board to our class page.


We would love to hear from you and encourage you to share your news, thoughts and views via the parent email address (


If you have a comment that you would like published as part of our new quote board, please state this in your email (your name would not be included).

We hope that sharing your thoughts will help other parents (new and old) to get a better insight into our Early Years at Springfield, as well as celebrating the achievements of our wonderful children.


As always, thank you for working with us and making Springfield such an amazing place to learn and grow.

Names on personal belongings

As a reminder, please can you make sure that all items of uniform, as well as coats, shoes, wellies and bags, are clearly labelled with your child's name

Week beginning 14th October 


A lot is happening this week


Photographs individual and sibling photos Monday 14th October 


Parent evening Tuesday and Wednesday. If you don't have an appointment please contact the school office to make an appointment.


Friday 18th October - Wear red day- show racism the red card

100% attendance! 


​​​​​​The Nursery team would like to say a massive well done to our Morning nursery for 100% attendance last week. Thank you to all the parents and carers for your support. 


Week 2 Autumn 1


Well done to all nursery children for settling in so well at school and thank you to parents for your continued support. 


A couple of reminders to parents..

Children have access to self- service snack throughout the session, this encourages independence and allows children the opportunity to try new foods of their choice. We would respectfully ask parents not to send in additional food or drinks into school as we have children with allergies and dietary requirements.


We are more than happy to support parents and children with potty training. Please can we ask that spare clothes, wipes, pull ups etc are made available in a clearly labelled bag so they are available if your child needs them. 


Next week, we have a focus on Nursery rhymes and will send some home for you to share together. We would appreciate it if you could spend some time singing them together as part of their home learning.


As always, if you need any support , or have any questions, the nursery staff are always here to help. 


Have a wonderful weekend!





Week 1 Autumn 1


A massive well done to all the new Nursery children for a fantastic first few days! We are amazed at how well the returning children have settled back into the nursery routine. The Nursery team can't wait to meet new children over the next few weeks.  


Thank you parents, for your continued support and patience as we get to know you all. We are very much looking forward to working with you throughout the next year and really value positive parent partnerships which are so important as we work together to support the children.


As a reminder, please can you make sure that all items of uniform, as well as coats, bags and boots are clearly labelled with your child's name.


Hope you have all had a fantastic weekend and are looking forward to another great week in Nursery.

