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Springfield Primary School

Be the best you can be.

Home Page

Springfield Primary School

Be the best you can be.

Remote Learning 2024/25

Remote Learning 2024

Good morning. Here is your learning for today.

In maths, you will be able to do long multiplcation with Dienes. Here is the lesson from Oak Academy:

In English, we are starting our diary entry. Watch this video today and make some notes on the information you are given.

Have a great day!



If at all possible email your work to us on Purple Mash.  It is easier to provide you with feedback.  There is a guide below if you are unsure how to do it.  

Remember you have TTRockstars to access

~ Remote Learning ~


Year 6 Parents/ carers,


We're committed to ensuring your child is still learning as much as possible and endeavour to do our absolute best to keep this happening. In the event of a school closure, or if your child is off school, we will continue to teach remotely and provide exciting learning opportunities for your child. We will communicate with your child through our Class Blogs, Class Page and TT Rockstars. 



Your children have been provided with Logins and Passwords for TT Rockstars. If, however, your child is having any technical difficulties while they are learning remotely, then please send an email to, stating which class your child is in and a brief comment about the problem.


Thank you for your support!


The Year 6 Team.
