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Springfield Primary School

Be the best you can be.

Home Page

Springfield Primary School

Be the best you can be.


As a school, we are on a journey to become a UNICEF Rights Respecting School. We will be focusing on the articles set out by UNICEF and incoperating them into our school values.


Our class charters, help us make the right decisions to ensure our classroom and school is a great place to be. 


We then spoke about the articles and decided which were most important to us in creating a safe, happy and enjoyable place to learn. The articles we decided on are shown below and we have added what we will do to achieve them.


We have signed our charter by drawing our emojis.



Article 13: We have the right to find things out and share what we think.


¨ We will ask questions to adults and classmates.

¨ We will talk with confidence and be respectful in all our communication

¨ We will listen to others when they are talking and respect their opinions.


¨ Our adults will give us time and provide us with support and resources.



Article 15: We all have the right to choose our own friends and join clubs.


¨ We will get to know all our friends and respect them for their different personalities and opinions.

¨ We will look after classmates who are on their own and invite them into our friendship groups.

¨ We will join an after-school club or group to increase our friendship groups and experiences.

¨ Our adults will give us extra opportunities to learn and play with our friends in the school week. us to learn.


Article 28: We all have the right to learn.

¨ We will listen to our adults and classmates.

¨ We will help our friends if they are stuck or don’t know what to do.

¨ We will BE THE BEST WE CAN BE by being resilient at all times.

¨ Our adults will teach us new things every day, planning exciting and interesting ways for us to learn.

