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Springfield Primary School

Be the best you can be.

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Springfield Primary School

Be the best you can be.

Uniform Information

Our school uniform is as follows:

School Uniform

Red sweatshirt, cardigan or jumper.

White shirt, blouse or polo-shirt (red polo-shirts)

Grey trousers, shorts,  skirt or pinafore dress (red and white gingham-check dress/skirt in the Summer)

Black school shoes.

White, grey, black tights or socks.


P.E Kit

Black shorts.

White T-Shirt.

Black pumps/plimsolls for indoor P.E.

Plain black or navy blue tracksuit top & jogging bottoms/leggings (non-branded) for outdoor P.E.

Plain black or white (non-branded) trainers for outdoor P.E.


Please ensure all school uniform is clearly named.


Embroidered uniform can be purchased in store or online from our uniform supplier ACE Embroidery.

Second hand uniforms are available for families from established schemes locally, namely uniform banks at Brickhouse and Cradley Heath and we publicise events here.

Second Hand Uniform Bank Latest Information
