At Springfield, music and singing is integral to the life of all pupils and staff. We provide a vibrant and inspiring musical experience for all children, where they have opportunities to create, play, perform and enjoy music; to develop their musical skills; to appreciate a wide variety of music from different cultures (including western classical, film, popular and traditional music); and to begin to make judgements about the quality of music. Our music curriculum pupils will: gain enjoyment, self-confidence and a sense of achievement through musical activities; be aware of, understand and respond appropriately to the rich variety of sounds in their environment (and, in particular, to those organised arrangements of sounds called music); acquire musical skills and an understanding of musical concepts through primarily active listening - then performing and composing; develop their capacity to express ideas and feelings through the medium of sound; enjoy extra-curricular clubs such as our school choir and instrumental lessons, to enhance the experiences for the whole-child; have an opportunity every year to perform, as part of an ensemble, to parents, carers and the wider community, which helps to instil self-confidence, pride and a life-long love of music.