Autumn Term
(1.2) Why does Christmas matter to Christians? How and Why do we celebrate special times? |
Christian |
• Christians believe in God, and that they find out about God in the Bible.
• Christians believe God is loving, kind, fair and forgiving, and also Lord and King.
• Some stories show these Christian beliefs.
• Christians worship God and try to live in ways that please him.
Share some of the hidden meanings of the parable that the pupils have found.
Draw out that for Christians this parable teaches that God is loving and forgiving, like a parent.
Either using their own parents/guardians as a model or parents from story books, ask the pupils
to draw an outline of a parent.
Inside the outline write/draw what parents do or say to show that they love their children.
On the outside of the outline write/draw what pupils do or say to show that they love
their parents.
Draw out the meaning that love goes both ways.
Spring 1
(1.3) Who celebrates what? How and Where? Celebration that matter in Sandwell |
Christian, Muslim, Sikh |
Learning outcomes: